Rose would be the one to have all the know-how about plumbing, wouldn't she? She may be a bit dippy, but growing up on a farm can give a person some serious skills. I enjoy watching her and Dorothy get excited about their project as they prepare to install the toilet! I equally enjoy watching Dorothy push that nasty plumber out of the house when he insists that the girls' age and their gender will prohibit them from being successful! Not only is it rude of him, it strikes me as an unwise method of attracting customers. If I were in their place, his insistence that I couldn't accomplish a task would make me try all the harder to achieve it. In true Golden Girls fashion, the girls are successful in the end, but not entirely. The toilet is installed and working, but the shower water operates from the bathroom sink. So everything works (mostly) but the writers keep the flow of the show both funny and cute. In keeping with the idea of approaching sexism but balancing it with comedy, I do find it interesting that on more than one occasion Dorothy and Sophia point out that it's pathetic to be more excited to install a toilet than to go on a date. It's interesting because the idea that this should be more exciting to Dorothy than accomplishing a task she's never done before is inherently sexist, so in that way, the show seems to contradict itself, but it's a half hour sitcom so I'm willing to give a bit of leeway there. ;)
The main plot is too standard to really break down so I'll only comment on a few things that I believe to be worth mentioning. First, I was surprised to hear Blanche say that Richard (her love interest in this episode) is "the sweetest, kindest, most handsome man [she's] ever met." I thought George was the love of Blanche's life. Also, there's a mild inconsistency when we hear Blanche say that she doesn't want to be a mother again. In a later episode she states that she would certainly like to be a mother again because she didn't feel like she had been attentive enough the first time around and even mentions that her children had a nanny growing up. Blanche is a better person than she gives herself credit for, though. I think she breaks off her engagement with Richard with class and graciousness. It's cute how she tries to walk away after calling off the wedding (casually forgetting that she's on a private jet). I think it's a nice touch and an easy way to lighten the mood of an otherwise somewhat sad/disappointing circumstance.
Some quick notes:
1. Someone in that live audience has an interesting laugh....
2. I never realized it before, but Rose's future St. Olaf stories are given in season1 as "on the farm stories." Same basic wackiness but only the lead in changes (remember the lead in is all that counts for the tally I keep!)
3. Great one liners all throughout this episode. I would call it a must see of season 1!
4. Not crazy about Blanche flopping around in the chair on the jet. She's is too classy and too experienced to let that happen on a date. Plus, I don't find it funny.
Cheesecake count: 1
St. Olaf v. Sicily: 0 to 1
References: Little Richard
This is so good that I found a clip and linked it for you! Enjoy! :)
Lots of great quotes in this one, but this was the easy pick for today! Quote of the day:
Rose: Dorothy, if the Egyptians built the pyramids, now, we can move this toilet!
Dorothy: Fine. Get me 20,000 Hebrews and I'll have it out of here in no time.