Monday, September 19, 2011

Nice & Easy

I don't enjoy this episode as much as a lot of the others. Why? I don't care for Blanche's niece (Lucy). Her accent is just awful and her character just seems so moronic. I like her more than I like Blanche's grandson David from "On Golden Girls" but that's really not saying a whole lot. Regardless, my four girls are as brilliant as ever and that's more than enough to make up for Lucy's shortcomings!
Lucy, Blanche and Sophia

Per usual, it would be difficult to misunderstand the plot. Lucy is promiscuous and Blanche has to decide whether or not she will intervene in Lucy's VERY active sex life. Blanche does intervene and it's decidedly for the best, in my opinion. I can accept that people have their own ways of living, but Lucy's decision to become intimate with all those men is based on her lack of self-esteem. I think ultimately Blanche's conversation with Lucy is good for her not simply because she was behaving irresponsibly, but because she needed someone who loves her to remind her that she is more valuable than she believes herself to be. I also do not approve of her sleeping with her college interviewer. That's certainly shady in my book. And who flies out of the country with someone they just met that afternoon? That's not just promiscuous, that's totally dangerous! She's lucky to have an aunt who is so willing to love and support her. Honestly, the thing that bothers me most of all about Lucy's behavior, though, is that she would spend next to no time at all with Blanche during her visit! That's no way to treat your favorite aunt! 

Lucy at Ed's apartment.
I really love the Rose stories in this episode! She's such a nut! I just love her! First of all, Larry the mouse??? Come on! Then Rose's "bad girl" story is adorable because she thinks it's so scandalous and the other girls are completely unimpressed. Remember, Dorothy was a pregnant teen and Blanche has never been a saint, so their reactions are completely understandable (and funny)! 

I want to point out a slight inconsistency--or at least something that makes so little sense to me! In the episode just before this one, Blanche confesses that her worst lie was in telling her sister Charmagne that she was actually the daughter of gypsies and that she even helped Charmagne try to track down her gypsy birth parents. In this episode, however, Blanche says that Charmagne was her older sister. How can a younger sister pull a prank like that on an older sister? It seems unlikely to me. 

Things that caught my attention:
-Naming the character "Lucy" couldn't have been a mistake (Loosey, get it?).
-She really does annoy me with that awful accent.
-The mouse subplot is great! Rose walking in on Dorothy talking to the mouse is especially funny. 
-This is the first episode where Blanche admits to exaggerating about her sex life. 
-Ed (Lucy's 3rd and final date during the show) wears an outfit that appears again in a later episode of the series. Ed admires Don Johnson of Miami Vice and in the later episode, the outfit is said to have belonged to Don Johnson. Just a fun fact for you! :)

Cheesecake count: 1

St Olaf v. Sicily: 0 to1

References: O.J. Simpson

Quote of the day:

"If you don't like yourself, you can't respect yourself. And if you can't respect yourself, neither can anybody else." -Blanche Devereaux 

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