Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Triangle

Blanche hits Elliot when he tries to make a move on her.
This scenario is very relatable. It's understood that when your best friend calls "shotgun" on a man, you back off (even if you're attracted to him, too)! In this case, Blanche was a good friend and backed off of Elliot for Dorothy's sake. I was surprised, however, that Elliot chose to hit on Blanche in spite of his blossoming relationship with Dorothy. Does he seriously think that getting involved with two women is a good idea when those women are roommates? Not that I condone infidelity, mind you, but if you're going to be unfaithful you ought to at least be stealthy about it!

Blanche tells Dorothy the truth about Elliot.
My heart really goes out to Blanche in this episode. I would find it very difficult to have a close friend put her trust in a man she hardly knew rather than put her trust in me. Moreover, Dorothy calls Blanche some very cruel names when Blanche was only trying to be a caring, honest friend. I am especially bothered by Elliot's ability to lie to Dorothy's face! The idea of asking someone a question flat out and having them look you in the eye and lie to you just makes my blood boil! It means that you are more concerned with your own self-interest than the interest of someone that you're supposed to care about. Not only that, but you are completely taking advantage of the other person's complete trust for you! Ugh! Liars just irk me!

I have to hand it to Rose for helping to get the truth out of Elliot. People may think that Rose is just a big dummy, but she can be very smart when it counts. Actually, for a woman who is often naive, she was very crafty! Blanche is so quick to forgive Dorothy's cruelty toward her, and I think that is a strong testament to the solidity of their friendship. Blanche is often depicted as overly proud, but she puts her pride aside effortlessly to renew her friendship with Dorothy.
Making up! 

Apart from the central plot, I do not have much else to add. I will only say that I can hardly believe that Mama Celeste makes better pizza than Sophia! Also, this episode features Sophia's first story about Sicily! I wonder who tells more stories about their hometown between Sophia and Rose? So far it's Sophia 1 and Rose 0, but there is plenty of time for that to change! Maybe I'll keep score of that, too.

Cheese cake count: Still 1

References: Jerry Vale and John Forsythe

Rose stories v. Sophia stories (St.Olaf and Sicily respectively): 0 to 1

Quote of the day:

"I know I look square, but I'm like my father's tractor. I take a while to warm up, but once I get going I can turn your topsoil until the cows come home." -Rose Nylund

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